Kia ora and welcome to the latest edition of our monthly eNews.

This edition focuses on housing, with updates on the Regional Housing Action Plan, Delivery model options, and an update from the Regional Economic Development Plan.

    Eight months on from the Committee’s first meeting in July 2021,  12 live projects are progressing well. The last few months have emphasised the high degree of interdependence between the work programmes key areas: housing, transport, iwi capacity, climate adaptation or economic development. We’re excited to be working with so many talented people around the region to unlock the opportunities identified in our projects, and collaborate more. The WRLC are excited to be a vehicle for progress, enabling joined-up thinking and action across the Wellington-Wairarapa-Horowhenua region. Each month we’ll continue to share updates, key learnings and thought-leadership. Find out more on our website.

    Regional Housing Action Plan (RHAP)

    Yesterday, on Tuesday March 22nd, the Committee approved, with a few minor amendments, the draft Regional Housing Action Plan (RHAP), one of the initiatives agreed under the WRGF, to address housing and urban development.

    The vision of the RHAP is, “everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand lives in a home and within a community that meets their needs and aspirations.”

    The RHAP focuses on housing related interventions to 2027, and has been developed in the context of regional growth, and the significant reforms proposed by Government.The final RHAP will be available on our website in two to three weeks.

    The Regional Housing Action Plan’s four deliverables are:

    1. An Issues and opportunities paper
    2. Regional Housing Action Plan 2022 – 2027
    3. Interactive regional housing dashboard and updating process
    4. Housing Delivery Model Options Paper

    RHAP Plan on a Page

    The RHAP Plan on a Page synthesizes the vision, goals and strategic direction of RHAP – click here to view.

    Regional Housing Action Plan – Delivery Model Options Paper

    The RHAP Delivery model options paper (one of four deliverables in the RHAP), presents several options for what a more joined-up approach to regional housing delivery might look like, and explores how can we best structure ourselves as a region to:

    • Better enable the housing growth we’re expecting in the next 30 years
    • Better prepare for the structural and procedural changes RMA reform will bring
    • Gain the most resourcing and efficiency benefits.

    In the process of developing this paper and to better understand our options, we spoke with two other housing delivery entities – Eke Panuku and Urban Plus – to learn from their experience and advice. View our takeaways from that session here. View the Housing Delivery Model options paper here.

    Workshop report – Regional Economic Development Plan

    One of the projects within the WRLC’s work programme, is the Regional Economic Development Plan (REDP), which aims to positively guide long-term direction of, and prioritise, fund and deliver high impact economic initiatives over the next five to 10 years. As part of the engagement phase of the plan’s development, on Monday 6 December 2021, 100 leaders from businesses, Iwi, central and local government came together to workshop and help shape the direction of the Regional Economic Development plan (REDP) 2022-2032.You can read the REDP workshop summary report here.

    There’s a callout for initiatives that will help create decent jobs or improve residents’ quality of life by making the region more productive, resilient, inclusive, sustainable and Māori-enabling (PRISM). The deadline is 14 April 2022. Please get in touch with any relevant chapter lead contacts to discuss any initiatives.

    On the horizon and join the conversation!

    Keep an eye out for our next edition which will focus on spatial-planning. WRLC brings together Iwi leaders, Mayors, Ministers of Government, and an independent chair, to support better integration and alignment across councils, government agencies, iwi and mana whenua in the Wellington-Wairarapa-Horowhenua region.

    WRLC brings a solution-focused approach to finding better ways of working together to positively shape our region’s future, ensuring it is a place where people want to live and work.  

    If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved, you can contact us at

    Wellington Regional Leadership Committee

    100 Cuba Street, Wellington
    New Zealand

    E: W: