Engagement Report Released for Industrial Land Study

The Wairarapa-Wellington-Horowhenua regions needs to accommodate more industrial land over the next 30 years. 

The region’s 2023 Housing and Business Assessment calculated that the region will be short almost 700 hectares of industrial land over the next 30 years. This is a crude measure based on projected population growth, so exactly how much land do we need, what type and where?  These are the questions the Industrial Land Study aims to answer.  This study has reached its first major milestone – releasing its Stakeholder Engagement Report (The report).  This report presents findings from a series of workshops with industrial business and landowners and an online survey. 

The following key themes emerged from the industry engagement:

  • The affordability of industrial land is creating challenges for businesses to develop new or expanded industrial operations.
  • There is a shortfall of large accessible industrial sites across the region.
  • There are increasing costs to industry associated with resilience risk.
  • Relocation is considered as an option by businesses when expanding their operation.
  • Flat sites with good access to the state highway network are important.
  • Safeguarding industrial land from encroachment by other activities and future reverse sensitivity issues is needed.
  • Current industrial building stock is poor quality and opportunities for innovation should be explored.
  • Planning for future energy needs is critical.
  • Reduction in carbon in industry is being led by consumer demand and efficiencies in the supply chain.
  • Affordable housing for the workforce is a location factor for industry.

To take a deeper dive check out the report here.

Next Steps

The information in this report will be used to better understand and evaluate various locations around the region that could be suitable for future industrial land use.  To stay informed about this project please contact us: hello@wrlc.org.nz.

Wellington Regional Leadership Committee

100 Cuba Street, Wellington
New Zealand

E: hello@wrlc.org.nz W: www.wrlc.org.nz