Tracey Martin thanked by Wellington Regional Leadership Committee for leadership

The Honourable Tracey Martin was today thanked by the Wellington Regional Leadership Committee (WRLC), for her role as Independent Chair of the Committee which the former MP is leaving after two years.

“On behalf of the Wellington Regional Leadership Committee, and as Chair of Greater Wellington, the Administrating Authority for the Committee, I want to thank Tracey for her leadership. We wish her all the best for her future endeavours.” 

“Tracey’s contribution has been invaluable,” Greater Wellington Chair Daran Ponter says.

“As the Committee’s inaugural Independent Chair, Tracy has been a passionate advocate for the Wairarapa-Wellington-Horowhenua region, leading the committee with dedication and diplomacy.” 

Made up of ministers, mana whenua, and local authorities, the WRLC is responsible for spatial planning, economic development and economic recovery for the region.

“Her commitment to driving positive change, by working with central and local government, and mana whenua, has been unwavering.  We are grateful for the energy and expertise she has brought to the role.”  

Major projects overseen by Ms Martin include the adoption of the Wellington Regional Growth Framework, the adoption of the Regional Economic Development Plan, the adoption of the Regional Housing Action Plan, and commissioning of work by the WRLC on three key climate change projects for the region as well as work to address iwi capacity and capability building.

“Tracey has been instrumental in steering the committee and its work programme. Her vision and strategic thinking have been key to our success,” Cr Ponter says.

Deputy Chair Darrin Apanui of Rangitāne o Wairarapa will serve as Acting Chair while the committee agrees its next steps.

“Darrin will bring strong and effective governance to the committee,” Cr Ponter says.

Ms Martin, who holds a range of directorships, including being on the board of Waka Kotahi, will be stepping down from the WRLC today.

Wellington Regional Leadership Committee

100 Cuba Street, Wellington
New Zealand

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