About WRLC
The Wellington Regional Leadership Committee (WRLC)is a collaborative partnership designed to positively shape future growth in the Wellington-Wairarapa-Horowhenua region. The partnership demonstrates how we are stronger together; meeting our region’s shared challenges head on and making a positive impact on issues of housing, transport, iwi/Māori housing, and climate change, resilience and economic development.
Who are we?
He waka eke noa We are all in this together
We are a unified voice at regional leadership level, bringing together local government, central government, iwi and mana whenua, to achieve better outcomes for the communities we serve. The WRLC is all about taking collective responsibility for our shared challenges.
WRLC Objectives
The objectives of the Wellington regional leadership committee are to:
- Unite the regions local government, central government and iwi leaders in a new collaborative way of working together, embedding collective responsibility for cross-boundary, growth-related issues
- Approve, activate and monitor projects under the WRLC’s work programme which covers the three interdependent areas of the Wellington Regional Growth Framework, regional economic development and economic recovery.
- Look for opportunities to bring alignment, integration and efficiency to areas of duplicated effort, to maximise benefits to communities
- Support and implement a shift to a collective decision-making approach
- Leverage and maximise regional connections
- Create a platform for one regional voice, to bring cohesion to the region and enhance opportunities for Central Government funding.
Leadership Committee
Darrin Apanui
Deputy Chair
Daran Ponter
Local Authority Members
Porirua City Council
Mayor Anita Baker
South Wairarapa District Council
Mayor Martin Connelly
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Mayor Janet Holborow
Carterton District Council
Mayor Ron Mark
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Councillor Daran Ponter
Hutt City Council
Mayor Campbell Barry
Wellington City Council
Mayor Tory Whanau
Upper Hutt District Council
Mayor Wayne Guppy
Masterton District Council
Mayor Gary Caffell
Horowhenua District Council
Mayor Bernie Wanden
Minister of The Crown
Mana Whenua Members
Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust
Darrin Apanui
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Inc
Helmut Modlik
Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust
Huia Puketapu
Muaūpoko Tribal Authority Inc
Di Rump
Te Rūnanga o Raukawa
Denise Hapeta
Ray Hall
Our Team
Head of Secretariat
Jaine Lovell-Gadd
Programme Manager
Allen Yip
Regional Adaptation Project Lead
Tom FitzGerald

Our logo
The WRLC logo contains multiple lines, representing the many parties who’s work weaves together to contribute to better outcomes for our region; the local government, iwi, and central government members.
The abstract ‘W’, represents the region, and Whanaungatanga: shared experiences and working together. We live in one region and are united in our efforts to address our cross-boundary challenges and opportunities, collectively seeking integration and alignment where it will achieve greater outcomes for us all.
Our values
The WRLC secretariat has chosen the following whakatauki and whakaaro to underpin our engagement.
He waka eke noa We are all in this together
I orea te tuatara ka puta ki waho A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions
mahi tahi – (verb) to work together, collaborate, cooperate.
- We will operate with respect, honesty, transparency, responsiveness and accountability
- We will set clear expectations
- We will look for opportunities to work together for mutual benefit
- We will continuously improve and review our approach
- We are purpose-driven and keep the ‘why’ in mind
- We will honour te ao Māori values
Our Partners