Regional Housing Data

On this page you will find a range of housing data for the Wellington-Wairarapa-Horowhenua Region, both regional level data, as well as local level data, for the following territorial authorities that make up the region: Carterton District, Kāpiti Coast District, Hutt City, Masterton District, Porirua City, South Wairarapa District, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City, Horowhenua District. We’re continuously collaborating with central government and others to keep this information updated.

Below you can now use the interactive housing data dashboard, bringing housing data from multiple sources all into one easy-to-use place. This dashboard is designed to allow housing stakeholders in the region, whether they are Councils, CHPs, funders, or developers to easily locate and understand key data and information relevant to housing. The goal is for this to contribute to making evidence-informed decisions which lead to good housing outcomes.

The platform is a work-in-progress, and will iterate as user suggestions and feedback are taken onboard. We encourage you to try the dashboard, and welcome your suggestions and feedback, which you can send to: Please include ‘housing dashboard’ in the subject line.

Key Government housing Data

The Government Housing Dashboard displays data on key parts of the Government’s housing programme.

It’s updated monthly and includes information on public and transitional housing, other housing built by the Government, the housing register and other housing support provided. It shows what has been delivered by the end of the month.

You select the timeframe for which you want to view housing data. 

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