Ōtaki PDA

The Ōtaki township has developed from early Māori settlement, these origins form an integral part of its rich cultural heritage and identity.


The Ōtaki PDA aims to support medium to longterm, sustainable growth for Ōtaki through a planned and coordinated approach to development. The project aim is to leverage the good work already underway at a local level, with greater coordinated support (including funding) from central government and other key stakeholders.

The Ōtaki PDA is an opportunity for iwi, council, government, and private industry to take a planned and coordinated approach to development in Ōtaki that:

  • Retains the unique characteristics and cultural identity of Ōtaki
  • Addresses current and future housing needs for mana whenua and the local community
  • provides infrastructure, services and facilities to support community needs.


Ōtaki, with its rich cultural heritage and identity, has been the focus of significant market led growth over recent years which is forecast to continue, as demand for affordable housing, lifestyle and improved access to Ōtaki continue to attract people to the area.

However, this growth is exacerbating current pressures on the community, including the ability to access core services and facilities. Housing has become less affordable, with new development not meeting local housing needs, increasingly displacing existing residents, particularly local iwi.

There are a number of opportunities underway and planned that can help to shape and support sustainable quality growth and investment in the Ōtaki area that will help meet current and future housing needs in the community. This includes government funding to improve the resilience and capacity of infrastructure, development of town centres to meet the changing needs of the community, employment opportunities, and better public transport access.


This PDA will take a planned and coordinated approach to current and future development within Ōtaki that:

  • Retains the unique characteristics and cultural identity of Ōtaki
  • Addresses current and future housing needs for residents and mana whenua
  • provides a framework to coordinate planning and provision of infrastructure, services and facilities to support the needs of the current and future population.

The scope of the Otaki PDA is being developed with local elected representatives, Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki community and other key partners.

Infrastructure Acceleration Funding

A significant boost to development in Ōtaki is the $29.3 million funding from the Government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) it received in June 2022, which will enable approximately 1,000 homes, as well as contributing to water and roading infrastructure. This will help to ease the pressure of the 32,000 new residents expected over the next 10 years.

New Water Reservoir to improve water Resilience in Ōtaki

A significant upgrade made possible thanks to the $29.3 million IAF funding, is a new 5.5 million litre reservoir – which is essential for the resilience and fire-fighting capability of the water supply as well as support existing and future homes in Ōtaki.

Currently, Ōtaki has limited water storage and is reliant on bores and pumps to supply most of the community. If a significant problem occurred with a pump or the treatment station, most of Ōtaki would immediately lose water.  The new reservoir will provide at least 24 hours of water storage. It will be built to withstand a one-in-2500-year earthquake, making it the strongest structure in the area.

Construction is due to be complete by the end of 2024.

Read more here


Engagement – mid 2023 to early 2024 – view Vision Otaki survey results poster here and read the survey results report here

Project scoping – 2023
(including stakeholder and community workshops)

Formalise scope and project group – Mid 2023

Read more about the Ōtaki PDA at: A blueprint for Ōtaki – Kāpiti Coast District Council (kapiticoast.govt.nz)


The Otaki PDA is led by Kapiti Coast District Council, in partnership with the three iwi partners, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD), Kainga Ora and Te Puni Kokiri.